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Partner With All Nations

Partnership Defined

According to a partner is a person associated with another or others as a principal contributor in a business or a joint venture. 


Is Partnership Biblical?

The ministry of prominent New Testament leaders was unique and exemplified a pattern of partnership. Paul used the word “partnership" to describe both church leaders and churches working together:


  • As for Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker for your benefit. (2 Cor. 8:23)

  • I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…because of your partnership in the gospel. (Phil. 1:3-5)


Partnership is a vehicle in which  individuals and communities can


  • help each other (Acts 8:14-25; Gal. 3),

  • strengthen each other (Acts 11:19-23, 25-26, 12:25, 16:1-3),

  • work as teams (Acts 11:27, 19:21-22;  1 Cor. 4:15-17; Phil. 2:19-29; 2 Tim.  1:18),

  • utilize finance to help each other and bless the wider society (Acts 11:28-30), and

  • help advance the gospel together (Rom. 15:24; 2 Cor. 10:15-16).


Our mission from Jesus is to take the gospel to both our neighborhoods and nations, to Jerusalem and the ends of the earth (Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8).


No local church can accomplish this great commission on our own.  We seek your help. Together, our mission can be healthier, stronger, longer, and more sustainable.


Our Commitment To Our Partners

Individuals from around the world are interested in seeing Kingdom work continue, grow and expand, partner with a monthly contribution of $20.


Our promise to partners of All Nation's is rooted in our desire to see everyone's personal relationship and work for the Lord to be imparted into. 

The following is what you will receive, as we pour into your life. 


  • Private Zoom counseling and prayer sessions with church leadership

  • Conferences and training sessions at a 20% discount rate

  • Quarterly partner intercession call 



How To Become A Partner Today!

Step 1

Click on registration link below and complete


Step 2

Decide which level of financial support you can commit to, monthly or yearly


Step 3

Set desired payment information


Step 4

Click submit button to complete partner registration


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